Sisters of St. Clare

Sister Briege McKenna

Sister Briege McKenna

Sr. Briege McKenna was born in Ireland and entered the Sisters of St. Clare at the age of fifteen. After coming to Tampa, Florida as a teacher, she became crippled by the onset of rheumatoid arthritis. At the age of twenty-four, she was miraculously and instantaneously healed during the celebration of the Eucharist and some time later received, in prayer, the gift of healing for which she has become so widely known. Her book, "Miracles Do Happen" has been translated into many languages through out the world.

Around the same time that Sr. Briege experienced her miraculous healing, the Lord also showed her the exceptional dignity and holiness of the priestly ministry. Through his Divine Providence, the Lord began to involve Sr. Briege in ministering to priests. In some cases, this was at an individual level, but more commonly at retreats and seminars. For almost thirty years now, Sister has spent her time traveling the world ministering to priests and praying for healing.